
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Idolize Not the Rich

It’s always been this way:  rich men getting richer off the backs of the poor and unfortunate.

Jesus said his reward is not in this world.

Today: our government and our media has been bought with money stolen from the poor and middle class.  This allows the rich to control knowledge, belief and law.  As this happens, social programs that build a stronger middle class are eroded and unfunded.  Education suffers and health declines.  This is the roof of a house undermining its own foundation.  Eventually, the house crumbles.

But those on the roof hear not the cries from the basements.  They look up to the heavens and enjoy the sunshine above.  We idolize them, wishing to be them.

Those who suffer below begin to think like them, reflecting their selfish lack-based ideology.  The wealthy do their best to defame those among them who give back because they fear of parting with one red cent to feed an orphan, or help the poor.  Believing that these privileged few are legitimate models for success, we emulate their thought and the world becomes colder.

Through this fear and lack-based ideology we create our own hell on earth.

Jesus had it right.   The true wealth is not in this world.  Everything here turns to dust.  Those who hoard it, like manna, will find it worthless after the big sleep.  All you can take with you is your character.

Character is what remains after each deed is done.  How you treat one another builds character, be it good or weak.  Watch a greedy man; he has learned how to accumulate wealth from the earth.  He has learned to fear poverty.  He believes he needs more, always more to survive.  He does not recognize that he has nothing if not the support of a thriving community.  Everything he has is perched atop a crumbling infrastructure.  He will not help support the very beams that hold up his house.

When those below torch the frame to bring heat, the home is gone.

Jesus invested in souls.  It takes time to learn that your brothers’ suffering is your own.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sending Thoughts

Thought waves travel through time and space.

They are not subject to the known laws of physics.

Thoughts travel forward and backward through time.

There is no message that cannot be sent.

Each Mind is a receptor and transmitter of thought.

Thoughts that are accompanied by emotion carry mass and can be felt physically, usually in the brain.

Highly receptive individuals can feel a charged thought in the atmosphere, and some can see them as well.

Bridging time and space to send thoughts requires mastery of the emotions.

Control of the mind to focus consciousness and eliminate emotion is required for thought to travel through timespace without the baggage of emotion and without the retardation of contrary thought waves.

Such control is exhibited by certain sages, gurus, avatars, some saints and occasionally by a spiritual adept.

If you receive such a message through timespace, it signifies that you are receptive and that a higher consciousness is involved and working on your behalf.  Congratulations.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Ascending Consciousness: The Beings of Light

The Beings of Light

When the collective is one with you, your minds are joined. They share their light with you and your intelligence and consciousness is elevated. If you were not able to control your emotions, and you disturb the collective pool, your consciousness will fall.

This is what happened to all consciousness, as it took on the burden of the emotional body.

The classic fall from grace is really just a bounce in consciousness.  Emotions add depth to our experience and quality to our life. As we learn to manage them to assure that they are a value-added experience, our consciousness will begin to ascend back to its original state.

When ascending consciousness, there are many strange things to encounter, and it is essential that you are surrounded by the beings of light so that your experience will be gentle.

Be sure to pray to the highest form of grace that you are able to conceive for guidance and wisdom.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Moral Failure

To be sure, we are not put here on this earth because we are perfect.

Each society, each culture, each civilization has had its failings and ultimate decay.

This is obvious when we look upon one another and so readily see the flaws.

In America, there is much pride in our country.  Yet our history books tell a tale of struggle for freedom and yet of a culture that enslaved another race.  So many confederate statues exist to glorify an ignoble war.  The truth is whitewashed by this false history. We don’t want to look upon this shameful past, but we are poised to repeat it.  The war may be over, the moral failure that led to the atrocity of one civilization enslaving another endures.

The Bible tells the same story, the paradox of a culture that struggles for freedom, and yet sees no wrong with making war to seize land, when it is blessed by God.  Isn’t that another form of whitewash?

Countless culture after culture has risen from principles and fallen to the corruption of human character.  We ignore the ugly truth of genocides, war-for-profit, and the death and suffering our selfishness and our greed and indifference imposed on others.  We hide our ignorance behind a veil of sanitized facts, so we can believe we are good.  This is how we face the world.

The people who communicate the unwelcome facts, such as the pollution of the earth, it’s waters it’s air, these are derided as troublemakers.  These are indeed inconvenient truths.

The problem with man is his mind.  He cannot be made to see the truth.  He may live in illusion for his entire life if that is his wish.

He sees what he believes.

This is why Christ has said:

‘Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.’

It is so easy to find fault with others.  You cannot change them.  You can only change the way you see them.

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What is: The Circle of Infinity

Monday, April 9, 2018

Tears of Christ

There are many reasons why Jesus wept upon learning of the death of Lazarus.

Surrounded by weeping mourners, Jesus found himself in the midst of a strong current of emotional energy.

He had delayed his arrival and arrived, seemingly too late, to heal.

This time he had something much greater in store.

He wept with compassion, for the energy around him was the catalyst for healing.

The energy was so great and the love so pure that Jesus channeled that into power.

All love comes from God, and we are the receivers and transmitters of that energy.

Advanced in Light, Jesus knew how to channel the energy.  He could see it.

His Mind spoke to it and He commanded Lazarus to hear it.

This was done as a lesson to the masses.

When He spoke to God, Jesus explained that he spoke aloud for those standing near.

He already knew God heard him, He said.

He explained this Miracle.

Jesus has said that when two or three are gathered in His name, He is there with them.  He said we shall do even greater things in His name.

This is the principle.  That was the demonstration.

Take note the crowd, the emotion, and the one Man of God.