
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Till the End of Time

That's how long I will wait

For you.

That's how long I will love you.

No mistake can outlast what we have.

The heart and mind are one.

We are one.

We are whole.

Love heals all.

Time crumbles before it's power.

There is no space between lovers,

And no Time.

Love is eternal.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Seeing Thoughts

Sometimes I can see your thoughts. Sometimes I can see your feelings.

It’s not always visual cues that you give me.

Sometimes I see things that you’re thinking about, and it comes to me like watching a video. Sometimes I see a graphic display of your emotions, and to me it looks like flowers or exclamation points, or a dark cloud.

Sometimes I see your thoughts written out in blue neon.

I don’t control any of this. It just happens.

When you wake up each morning, you become aware of your conscious world.  You remember your family,  things you need to do that day and in general your life. While you’re asleep, you have a distorted view of these things, and you remember or believe you are part of a different world.

These are different sections of consciousness. Your waking consciousness is on a different wavelength than your sleeping consciousness and thus you are aware of different realities.   When you are asleep, your brain waves are in a different state than your waking consciousness, and you become aware of things that you don’t see while awake. You become aware of other people’s consciousness, and that is what creates the bizzarre world of dreams, your thoughts and theirs merged together.

For people who have practiced merging different levels of consciousness, sometimes there is a breakthrough and they can see the thoughts even while they’re awake.

Some ways people practice slowing down the brain waves while they maintain consciousness would be meditation, mindfulness, or a method introduced by the famed psychiatrist Carl Jung involved shortened periods of wakefulness and sleep.  These techniques all serve to blend the two forms of consciousness, blurring the line that separates them.  However, I would caution that the Jung technique can be jarring.

Psychic abilities are not really that mysterious. They are your natural state when your mind is not so severely compartmentalized.

Are you interested in exploring consciousness?  Many psychic and religious experiences stem from changes to the brain, creating different brainwave states.  The rituals practiced by religious students of all different paths, such as praying and meditation, condition the brain to function at the more receptive wavelength.  My book The Circle Of Infinity explores the fascinating world of Mind and reality.  It’s available on Amazon and you can start reading it for free.  Here’s a link.  I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Turning the Other Cheek

The problem with forgiveness is the people who aren’t done attacking.

So you let it slide, be the bigger person.  The opportunists see you as a target, they come back for more.  You’re now an easy mark.

There are a couple of rules in life.  One is you don’t have to engage with baiters.  Once you see the game, it’s ok to hit the delete button.

Block them, walk away, ignore, etc.

Isn’t that better than sticking around to hear them say unpleasant things to you, or for you to say unpleasant things to them.  It’s their problem, no reason why you have to be dragged into it.

This applies in person, online, or with any form of communication.

Walk away and live your life.

If the problem is physical or criminal, then it’s time to remember that turning the other cheek wasn’t the only thing Jesus knew how to do.

He also knew how to make a point when things went too far.  In the temple, he turned over tables and drove out the money-changers with a whip.

Remember that next time.  Don’t apologize for removing yourself from any situation you don’t want to be in.  And don’t let people defile your temple!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Mission

The lamb is a symbol for the Christ.

Upon returning, we must look for that which connects to the past.

The name will be symbolic.

The age when he begins his mission, will it be 33?

The charismatic character will suddenly thrust upon the world scene.

Those worshipping the image of defilement will know their days are numbered.

They shall slay the lamb.

The mission shall be for 3 Years.

This time the lamb will prevail and will sit in judgment.

These things are set in motion since the beginning of time.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Sometimes you find you don't really belong with certain groups of people.

The time comes that you part ways.

That is good.

You are now free to be yourself.

They say birds of a feather flock together.

Time for you to soar to new heights!

Ta Ta!


Thursday, March 8, 2018


Whatever happened to the doctrine of states rights?  Both the senate and electoral college are structured to emasculate populous states like California.  As a result the minority-controlled federal government has now outright attacked the populous states and their right to self-govern.  The power of the people has been eroded by insidious gerrymandering, media manipulation and uncouth practices such as slander and character assassination by a severely unpopular Republican Party that has gone rogue and become as a cancer to our nation, undermining its very principles of government by and for the people!

Sunday, March 4, 2018

His Mind

At lunch with some friends and family, the lady who used to be my neighbor asked me a question.

At 80 Years her face still looked beautiful.  Her Red hair and green eyes popped and she still wore black eyeliner and nice outfits.

Is he still ... drop-dead ... Gorgeous she asked me, her voice hushed but rising with excitement.

I was shocked and had trouble answering.  Finally my mouth formed the words as she waited impatiently.

Yes ... b b but

Oh good!  She smiled excitedly!

Tell me more!

She didn’t understand.

It’s ... his mind.

I knew she couldn’t understand.

I never realized that a man like that can never know why you love him.

I never realized how insecure he really was.

She doesn’t understand the wall between us..

I never noticed him until he went out of his way to become my friend.

Every other quality about him is what opened my eyes.

It’s a strange cross to bear. Being given such precious gifts and not seeing them for what they are.

Not knowing you are loved.

It’s his mind.