
Monday, February 26, 2018

Seeds for Thought

The Good Witch is always planting Miracles.

That way, there is always a crop for harvest.

The seeds of kindness, love, empathy are within her.

A little kindness today is tomorrow’s rainbow 🌈

She reaches out with a light touch.

Somewhere a smile brightens.

Years of patience and love raise tender hearts.

She has many miracles handy.

Pass it on!

Plant your own seeds!

Watch your garden of Miracles grow!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Mind Candy

When I meditate - or sleep - I hope to dream of you.  If I see you, I would never want to wake up.

My mind never allows it.

There are two beings I am never able to see. I love them, and their reality is hidden.

I meditate and once I briefly saw a holy face.  The waves of love emitted by the face were too pure for my consciousness and I could not maintain the connection.

Touching the face of God would be like touching the sun.  We may only dwell in the Light.

Then there is you.  Why do you prove as elusive?  Is the love so deep I cannot touch it?

I would like to shine for you.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Our Illusion

 Have you ever thought that the word illusion begins with the word ill. It’s when you’re seeing something wrong.

So what’s ill?  Is it your sight, or your mind?

How do you determine between true and false, between Illusion and Reality.

 The speed of light is one of the few constants in our reality. Most everything else is relative according to Einstein. If something is relative, it means it does not stay the same and your perception of it will change based on your relationship to it. That could mean not just how you feel about it or think about it, but where you stand Relative to anything either in a physical or literal sense.  For instance, we are very far away from the sun, and so it appears rather small in the sky. If we were to get too close to it the sun would appear quite massive and could easily swallow up everything in the solar system.  Again, compared to other stars our sun is not actually a big star.  In the Milky Way, it’s just one of billions of stars.

 Something bothering you right now might seem like a very huge problem, but 20 years from now you might realize if you ever thought of it again that these were the good all days when life was quite carefree. In 20 years, you might be worried about Things that once again will seem like the center of your universe, just like our sun, which is not actually the center of the universe except in a relative sense.  I once read that every point in the universe could be considered it’s Center.  That is partly because no one really knows how big the universe is and where it ends and begins, so who’s to say where the Center is.

We realize we’re standing on shifting sands, let’s try to define some Constants, other than the speed of light. Truth, is an absolute. But, how many things are true and how many things do we just think are true.   Therefore, truth is not usually always true, but depends upon who is telling it and what the current definition is. But the concept of Truth is an absolute.

 Many ideas, such as truth, are absolutes only as ideas and not in actual practice. That means their true reality is as a concept. The word love can be seen as something that should never change, but sometimes we fall in love and many times we fall out of love.  Love as a concept is an absolute but in practice in this world it is quite relative.

 If you give this another thought, you will realize that our entire world our entire reality is highly relative. That is why many people collectively participate in an illusion. It’s all mind, either in the literal or figurative sense or perhaps both.

Every room you step into contains another reality, every group of people have their own illusion every nation every click every neighborhood has their own dynamic set of beliefs customs and patterns.

 They’re all illusions, mindsets. Even the physical reality is subject to the mindset. It will be changed in the blink of an eye and it has many times. If no one remembers, that is because it was all an illusion to begin with and everyone just believes whatever they currently see.

If you aren’t happy with what you’re seeing, rethink it.  Step into another room. Begin doing mental exercises to loosen the grip the illusion has on your mind. Begin to think this is just another illusion.  It’s easy to create new illusions, but the most difficult thing to do when your mind is sick is to see the truth.

What can you value in the world of illusions? You must value that which is real, Truth and Love.   To cling to anything else ties your mind to the Illusion.