
Sunday, July 26, 2020

An Imperfect World

Everything’s fine. You’re feeling good even upbeat.

And then you start feeling a stiff neck.  The next day your shoulders are tense.  You woke up from a bad dream and you’re wondering why would you even think about that.

You were hurting someone in the dream and they weren’t even complaining, they were cooperating.

But the world is a very bad place. Even when good things are going on, there is always something bad about it. No matter how noble the intention it can and will be corrupted.

Take the purity of the message of Jesus Christ, then look at the evil that has been done in the name of Christianity.  Surely Jesus knew this would happen, and in fact it is mentioned in the Bible that he knew this would happen.

So why did he come here to live, to teach?

Well I would be lost right now trying to make sense of all this.  Why do people try to kill themselves? When depression hits, we don’t see the world the same way. We want to end the pain. We think others really don’t care if we’re gone.

You may ask yourself why I know this. I’ve been there.

I have a friend, really, who just tried it. Now he’s spending months in rehab for physical injuries.  I feel very bad because I didn’t realize he needed help.

If you read any history, you know human history is full of wars, torture, death and pain.  Then we have religion which often seeks to uplift but often causes more wars, torture, death and pain.

Every few hundred years the planet tried to thrust off its infestation.  We’ve been at war with planet earth for centuries, and we’ve polluted her.  One of the filthiest places on earth is India, and oddly it is also one of the most religiously reverent places.  Why does religious faith equate with doing nothing for oneself?

We are here to make choices. Only then will we have the opportunity to make the right choice. So we continue making choices, or choosing not to choose. Refusing to take action is a choice. Sometimes doing nothing accomplishes everything.  If everything is perfect we’re on the right track sure leave it alone.

But when you wake up and the world looks bleak and you’re guilty about something you would never do, then it’s time to take a look at your choices.  Maybe the world was once on track, but now it isn’t.

You made choices that seemed right at the time, just like my friend.  I told him to call me if he ever feels this bad again and I will talk to him. I promised.  When you’re all alone it’s easy to get depressed. COVID-19 has left some of us alone, and even the strongest mind will have a difficult time with that. It is not good for man to be alone.