
Sunday, December 31, 2017


Last night, as I lay in bed trying to go to sleep, I felt something jump on the bed. I was a little scared and I turned on the light and still nothing there. I assumed I must’ve jolted and make the bed jump.

I turned off the light and said some prayers, making sure there were no evil spirits around me.

I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke, I realized I had dreamt of Ringo. It was an odd dream, I was an observer at some sort of baseball tournament, but the rules were a bit different.

Dogs were allowed to play, and so were birds. Each round, play would be over if one of the dogs could snag a bird from the air, and that dog’s team would win that round. I watched as my Ringo zipped across the field and snagged a bird.

Gently he held his prize in his jaw until it was acknowledged that he had captured the bird and won the round.

Ringo came off the field, and play resumed for the next round. I saw him streak across the field again and capture another fowl!  Ringo was young and alive again, and I was so proud of him!

Without even waiting to see how the game ended, I snapped a picture of the score and went off to show people how proud I was of my dog!

It was like a combination of baseball and the golden snitch from Harry Potter.

I don’t know how he did it, but Ringo came home last night.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Why are Democrats Angry

Someone noticed that many Democrats are apparently angry nowadays.  The observer even went so far as to say, hateful.  Are Democrats angry? Have they been vocal about their disgust, or distress with the current ‘administration?’

I’d like to respond to that.

What? Angry? 

No, of course not!

We like having a laughing-stock idiot President.  

We Democrats enjoy having voted for a Rhodes Scholar, winning the majority, and then being cheated by a flim-flam GOP-party skewed electorate.  

It’s actually a delight beyond words to watch the planet choke off and die knowing our children and grandchildren will get to live in a Republican Hell, with violent weather, racist gun-toting morons, and economic mismanagement.  

Top it all off with an obvious coup d’etat with Russia holding the President by the short-hairs, and we’re a downright happy lot!

No no.  Democrats are not angry.  Anger is a very unproductive emotion.  We’re just telling it like it is.  At some point the irrational exuberance of having the keys to the car will wear off and the stocks will crumble because that is what happens to unregulated markets.  

As we harden our hearts to displaced and frightened refugees around the globe, one day we will walk in their shoes.  We speak for ourselves when we show no mercy.

We spoil our own nest when we litter the seas and rape the planet.

We failed because we did not understand the weakness of our fellow man.  We never dreamt such a vile creature could become President.  Democrats are not angry.  There are no words to describe the disgust and horror we feel.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dark Light

The Spell of consciousness is the color of your emotional state.

A belief is anchored by the mindset and it will defy reality.

When emotions are strong, your thoughts are influenced by the accompanying color of consciousness.  Passions such as anger hate envy shade and color thoughts and your consciousness is unable to perceive clearly.  A calm mind is able to perceive clearly because it is illuminated with white Light.

The dark light of anger renders the mind blind with rage.  It is tied to thought and as such it is a light-wave which travels at the speed of thought.

Thoughts travel through time because they travel with light.  As such, Time stands still, relativity is broken and time is constant.

The dark light is very dangerous.  It can cause thought to become violent.  Even as a light-wave it can  influence others and change their state of consciousness.

The dark light is the means of the so-called psychic attack.  The powerful mind can generate a wave of anger which when released is capable of causing disruption to others’ consciousness and subsequent reactions such as dysphoria, panic and even accidents.

Consciousness is the very medium of our existence.  It is more than a mindset, more than perception. Consciousness is the so-called Will of God in which all creation exists.  It is all Mind, an ocean of consciousness, and each Mind is like an eddy of thought, an idea amongst Ideas, amongst Paradigms.

This continues our discussion on Perception and Belief.  Look for more.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Belief and Perception

Whatever your beliefs, they are derived through your experience of life, your thoughts and your perception.

As such, it is likely you will have similar beliefs to others who have had some of the same experiences, or lived in the same environment.

Books and movies can give us a glimpse of different lifestyles and change our mindset.  For example, the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin shone a light on the subject of  slavery in America.  The book is credited with changing America’s attitude toward and tolerance of slavery.  If true, that book also stands at least partly responsible for the bloodiest war in US history.  It was a war where brother fought against brother.  Whatever the outcome, there would be tragedy and sorrow across America.  I’ve learned that many Americans have no idea what the US Civil War was about.  Did you know this? Here’s a surprising stat:  Roughly 1,264,000 American soldiers have died in the nation's wars--620,000  in the Civil War and 644,000 in all other conflicts.

I mention the American Civil War as a consequence of new and changing thought, not to be negative, but rather it is my point that different attitudes cause conflict.

That war ended in 1865, but the division between north and south never ended.  In the 21st Century we revisit that war each time we tear down a monument to the confederacy, and each time we remove a confederate flag.  While President Lincoln waged this war to preserve the union, at any cost, to this day we remain fractured as a nation.  We bitterly disagree on the issues of the past as well as the present.  Our battles are waged in the press, social media and with guns, explosives and politics.

This is not an isolated case.  For thousands of years violence has festered in the Middle East, and a battle that began in biblical times has never really ended. This is the pattern of civilization.  Our battles may be won or lost, but we live and wait to rise again.

This is because we cannot agree on the correct principles for living.  Battle is the primitive way to settle differences.

Battle only temporarily resolves any issue, but the destruction is permanent.

The anger festers and the cycle of attack, war and destruction is endless. It is a circle or cycle of hate and violence.

In The Circle of Infinity, I ask how does one escape a closed circle?

The answer has to do with you, your belief and perception.

.... (to be continued)

Friday, December 15, 2017

True Word

The Power of God

Is in His Word.

He spoke the World into existence.

His Word is Truth.

How powerful is the Word?

How powerful is your word?

Your word is not only your bond, it can be the difference between good character and bad, good credit and bad, good relationships and bad.

So God spoke the world into existence and said it was good.

What do you speak? Your words can lift a spirit or crush a soul.

These things are an example to us.

God did not leave us alone, but gave us His Word.

This Christmas ponder the gifts we have been given:  Our families, our friends, the good things we have.  And remember too the examples we have been given to follow, so that we may lead a good life.  Be a blessing unto others and speak kindly to them.  Yours may be the only kind voice they hear today.  Your gift may be all they receive this year.   Your hand may be all they need to help them up.

Be of good cheer, because you have the power to brighten someone’s day!

And when someone does something for you, be happy and thank them.   The gift of thoughtfulness and kindness has just been given to you.

Smile and say it is good.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Faith in Job

Satan flew over the earth and found a victim, a good man he wanted to test with some fate and misery.  So the story goes. And he asked God for permission to torment our good man Job.

It is no more astounding that God allowed it, than it is allowed for many others since.

God does not interfere with man’s thoughts, for to do so would crush him.  Man would be no more.

Who then is this devil?  And why is he allowed to do evil?

Is God hesitant to crush him or it?

Has creation run amok?

Is there really a character Lucifer, a fallen angel?

Is he really just a shade of ourselves?

All minds exist as an idea, ideas which reside in the consciousness of the most high.

To crush one, crushes them all, for it destroys the fabric of consciousness.

Your thoughts are most holy to God, for they are your life’s blood.

When Job was tested, he suffered greatly, losing his family, his home, his health.  But though he lamented, Job never changed his mind about God.  His will could not be broken.

God was always betting on Job.  He always knew what he had in his man.  He created Job that way.

It was Job who needed to learn what he was made of. When Satan lost the battle, Job was restored.  Job lamented his ordeal, he pored through his mind, his emotions, his sorrow, and found his will.

The biblical tale is a metaphor.  Job is every man and woman.  The devil is doubt, the shadow man, who believes in failure.  He must be talked to, he must be heard and seen, and only then can he come into the light and be healed.  When Job examines his thoughts, he rids his body of their poison.

The Pope currently would like to distinguish the words in the Lord’s Prayer ‘Lead us not into temptation’, and change them to ‘do not let us fall into temptation.’

The Lord May lead us but it is we who follow.

Please read:  The Circle of Infinity

Are Thoughts Free?

As Nelson Mandela languished in prison, did he ponder the remaining vestige of freedom in his possession?  His thoughts, ironically that which landed him in prison, those very thoughts were the only thing the “man” could not take.

Political prisoners, or not, the one abundance in jail is time.  Time for thought.  A sharp man sharpens his thoughts.

We share our thoughts freely in the western world, and sometimes we lose friends or jobs for what we’ve said.  There are lands where freedom or even life is confiscated in order to control thought.

God created thought Free, and man tries to shackle it.

This is why the Truth makes one free, because the mind is unshackled from illusion.

Nelson Mandela found his mind was free, no matter what imprisoned his body.  Likewise, many deep thinkers have come to this realization, from biblical times through the present, and emerged from their prisons ready to revolutionize the world of thought.

Are your thoughts free?  What prison of thought, system of presumed ideas, has you chained to an illusion?  You may not like a new idea, but it could be the key to your cage.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Change the Way

Isn’t it better to raise up, than to tear down?

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness?

We are headed down a brutal path and we must have strength to stop it:

Spiteful, mean comments do nothing to assuage the molten anger of the many. They only fuel the flames of self-righteous rage.  When it boils over, death will be the victor.

Once, I was angry and my ex told me, very sweetly, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. What went wrong between us?

Let’s stop being mean to strangers.

Everyone is trying to get through their own life, experiencing sorrows, pain and disappointment you don’t know about.  Sometimes they are hard-boiled and crusty because they have seen too much.

Sometimes just a kind or helpful act or word on your part can change someone’s mind.

Give them something to think about.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

A Fourth of TIME

 When we think of time, we think of it as a standalone concept.  We have the three dimensions of space and then we have the fourth dimension of time.

When we think of the three dimensions of space, some of us may realize that the three dimensions while they are three separate concepts do not stand alone.  Height, depth and width do not exist independently.  Alone, each of those three dimensions are merely concepts.

 Take the second dimension for example, imagine a flat piece of paper and the image on it is two dimensional. That image cannot exist without some depth, if only a molecule of depth in order to create a visible image.  Yet, it is easy for us to visualize it and accept it as two dimensional.  We realize that the piece of paper is three-dimensional, but we do not always realize that the image or drawing upon it is also three-dimensional.

It took a genius like Einstein to realize that space and time also do not stand alone. He called it space-time.

Imagine a chunk of space, a three-dimensional chunk of space. It looks like a cube in our example.   It has height, depth and width.   We understand that none of those dimensions exist without the others. That chunk of space, that cube, existed yesterday. It exists now. It will exist a second from now. It exists in the past present and future.  Because nothing ever stands still, at least not on a subatomic level, that chunk of space experiences change and thus goes through what we perceive as time.

 One second leads into the next and there is a river of time.

Does the river run through the space or does the space move with the river?

Since no moment stands still, there is no discrete moment in time, no snapshot available where time has stopped and where the space is frozen.  Like the three dimensions of space that only appear in the mind to be separate, space itself only appears in the mind to be separate from Time.

Thus we see that each of the four dimensions is merely a mental concept.  All four dimensions are one.  Space could not exist without Time and Time could not exist without space, for there would be nothing to change and thus no concept of time.  The concept of space itself is created by the illusion of movement. The particles and the sub atomic particles appear to move through time.  The closer we look at them, the harder they are to pin down to one spot or one second, because they never exist simultaneously in both space and time.  They flit in and out between the two dimensions never really existing in either, and create the fabric of our existence.

Without both time and space, the particles could not do this dance and would not be seen.  So, space and time would not exist as concepts because there would be nothing.

All the elements of creation exist separately only as mental concepts, in the realm of perception.  None of them exist independently. All creation is one in the mind of God,  which does not perceive separation but creates all things as One.

If you like, read The Circle Of Infinity:

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Endora- The mother of Samantha, perhaps one of the most powerful witches in modern television.  

If you Google Endora, here's what you get:

  • Endora (Bewitched), the magical mother-in-law portrayed by Agnes Moorehead on the TV sitcom Bewitched
  • Endora Lenox, the good witch character on the television soap opera Passions
  • Endora, a planet-sized matrioshka array in the Walter Jon Williams novel Implied Spaces


Did you know the name Endora is a nod to the Witch of Endor, who is mentioned in the Bible?  Dig a little further into Google and you can find this:

Witch of Endor. In the Hebrew Bible, the Witch of Endor was a woman who summoned the prophet Samuel's spirit, at the demand of King Saul of the Kingdom of Israel in the First Book of Samuel, chapter 28:3–25.

A very powerful witch indeed. What are witches but empowered women.  The word witch in the English language originally meant a wise and aged woman.  You will have to search a lot harder to find that definition.  The word has been corrupted by our culture to mean something very different. Originally back in the Middle Ages, witches were elderly-learned women of the community and were highly regarded as nurturers, mothers, grandmothers, healers, and keepers of knowledge.  

With Halloween coming, it is time to remember that real Witches are everywhere.

- Cat

The Magic Man and the Nightshade Hotel 




Saturday, October 21, 2017


I inherited a turn of the century grandmother clock from my mother.  It had belonged to my Italian nonna.  My grandmother clock is a tall wooden clock, but with shelves rather than a pendulum.

It is electric but has to be wound to start, and the hands have to be set from behind, like a watch.

The old clock stopped the day my mother died.  I haven't had the heart to reset it.

We've heard this before, about clocks stopping when the owner dies.

My mother-in-law also used a clock, in this case her wristwatch to communicate with me.

It was a beautiful wristwatch that we had given her, and I came to inherit it when she passed.

I wore it to visit my in-laws and forgot my regular watch.  I now feel like the universe planned it that way.  I had to wear the expensive watch all week.  My sister-in-law just had surgery and we were there to help out.  On the last night there she and her brother got into a heated spat.  I was upset, but decided not to interfere.

The next morning before we flew home, I noticed the watch had stopped working the night before.

Message delivered.  I spoke the words I had held back, and told my husband his mother was upset.  Her watch had stopped.  He apologized to his sister.

My mother in law's watch started working again, but I will take it for a new battery.

What is the connection we have to clocks? Is it emotional? Do they symbolize our time here on earth, and thus remain as a portkey or conduit to our spirit in the beyond?

Doing Time: The Circle of Infinity

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Cold Hand of ICE

American immigration police lay in wait at courthouses and now even hospitals to snatch away people for deportation.  Read below of a father and mother arrested by ICE as they tried to obtain medical help for their baby.  The parents had to choose between their freedom and their infant son's surgery in the hospital.  These are underhanded and despicable ways to treat people who came to America to escape poverty, fear and hopelessness in their native lands.  Many are hard-working tax paying members of society.  The Justice department previously distinguished between people who were living peacefully and productively in America and those who committed violent crimes.  Now there is no reason and no heart, just a ruthless social cleansing.

The COLD hand of ICE

With these despicable acts, America now resembles a Nazi-like terrorist state.  Our ICE police have become akin to the Gestapo.  They do not act to protect us, but to cleanse our society of undesirables, those who do not fit America's primarily white english-speaking culture.

Xenophobia has created a chilling dehumanizing effect, caused by the hateful words of one man and his party.  There are horrifying similarities to past demagogues, leaders who have stirred up people's hate by making them distrust another segment of their society, their Jewish neighbor, the foreigner next door, the black man moving into your neighborhood, the other religion, race, nationality, etc.

For most of the last century American immigration policy has put strict numerical limits on immigration from lands that were considered undesirable, notably China and Japan.  This made it impossible for the country's demographics to change as a result of an influx from such people.  This was intentional.  This strategy and rationale has been America's way of staying predominantly white.

The immigration policy of America in the last decade or so hasn't become lax, it has become less prejudicial.  We no longer ban Chinese people or limit them to some ridiculous number like 200 a year.  That is offensive to us now, but nowadays some seek to ban any influx from strife-filled lands based on fear of terrorism.  That argument gives even progressive-minded people pause.  It is only a fear-based subterfuge, a fake reason to restrict entry to the US.  The real impetus is the dominant culture's increasing discomfort with a changing demographic.  We look around and see people who don't look like us, who speak in different tongues or with accents, who practice different religions, have different customs and modes of dress.  America is afraid of its new neighbors.  That is the reason America has become afraid of immigration and why there is so much focus now on both legal and illegal immigration.

This message of fear coming from some of our politicians resonates with the selfish greedy instincts of many.  The politicians and demagogues tell us 'they are taking your jobs, ruining your property value, bringing in crime', etc.  It sways the rich and the poor with our lowest common denominator, the twin primal motivations of greed and fear.  It befuddles the poor, and uneducated, and it benefits the rich and spoiled.  The ignorant believe they are economically disadvantaged by migrant workers unskilled laborers who work in fields or cleaning houses.  The rich seize political power by fanning the flames of fear and prejudice.

The rule of law is no longer tempered by reason and mercy.  America's heart is broken.

Today fathers and mothers are dragged away from hospital waiting rooms, teenagers are deported to dangerous unfamiliar lands.  Tomorrow may bring much more ugliness.  Will we revisit the genocides of the past, the internment camps or something much worse?  During WWII Japanese American CITIZENS were held in internment camps in America.  Don't think it can't happen here or that it cannot happen again.

It's time we understand the ways we are being played by American politics and who really gains by each change to our policy.  When news agencies are discredited by politicians we lose any ability to discern fear-based political rhetoric from legitimate national security issues.

Wake up America.  This is not the path to freedom.  Darkness and ignorance keeps no one safe.

Friday, September 8, 2017

The Other Side of the Wall

Think yourself there.

Metaphorically we each stand before a wall.  We can't go through the wall.  We can't go around the wall.  We spend our time figuring out how to go over, under or through it.

The wall is our reality.

So long as we struggle with the wall, we make it real.

The wall is the journey, one that never ends and never begins.

There is no progress only effort.

There is no wall.  There is only a belief in the journey.

What is on the other side?

That is the destination.

The moment you become one with your destiny, you transcend your wall.

You do not reach it by wishing, trying or any conventional means.  It is a place in your mind.

Think yourself there.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Pursuit of Happiness

Alas, the indifferent teens on the beach learned they did have an obligation to help the drowning man.  They laughed and recorded him drowning.  He's dead now and they're facing charges.

I mention this to draw a parallel:

Does Congress have an obligation to shelter children who have grown up in America, gone to our schools and lived among us? What will happen to them if we cast them out unprepared and unprotected to the lands their parents fled? Will they too die?  Will Congress be held accountable just like those feckless teens?

What is America's obligation here to life, humanity, what is America but a land of immigrants.  The first immigrants had no passports.  They knew nothing but they came to a new land in search of a better life, a chance at life, liberty and happiness.

The children of DACA knew no better, because they were children.  Here is our chance to teach them what America really means.  Will we open our hearts and show some compassion, or is America already so jaded that we would do this to children living within our borders?

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Some of us are promised a Destiny.  There is a fate that we are destined for.

It may start out one day as a dream.

We may not know how to get there.  Life may be full of twists and turns and it seems our dream can never be.  We may have heartaches.

We may wake up one day and think we've spent decades going the wrong direction, following the wrong path.

Where is that person, place or thing we dreamed about?

What is my destiny?

It is my future self.

Every dream I pass along the way builds her character.  Every broken heart molds her compassion.

She is the woman I dreamt of long ago, and she dreamt of me.

Every dream I dream makes me her.

The emptiness I feel is longing for something outside of me.

It always seems to be something or someone I need to be complete.

But my Destiny is to be whole.

Love must fill the heart and then overflow.  It's nature is abundance.

The magnificent being I saw is love.  She is whole, kind, compassionate, and wise.

Love must fill the heart and then overflow.  It is healing.  It nurtures.

Love is the spirit that heals.  It does not come from you.  It comes through you and is limitless.

Love is our Destiny our Promise and our Future Self.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

War of Lies

And the Truth shall set you free.

You don't have all the facts.  You are bombarded with poorly vetted, politically slanted stories on your social media.  These are political sites, and so-called fake news sources.

This type of mean-spirited name bashing is no better than what the right does.  In fact, it's their tactic.  The left has adopted the tactic, made it their business to defame all real and perceived enemies.

The real story is out there for those who care to find it.  The Key is you have to fight for the Truth.   You need to verify your news through several news sources that are journalists not sensationalists!  Beyond that you need to know both sides of the story and carefully vett your own information.

The rest, right and left, will be caught up in what is a media-driven war.  Arm yourself with the truth or continue to be a pawn in the game.

These news reports are politically motivated, slanted and designed to attack. 

Rise above the battlefield and be free.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

7 Cats

My mom had 7 cats.  She would put down a big bowl of food every morning.  5 of them would compete for the food, stuffing their faces in or pulling the bowl away with their paws.

The two big males usually got to eat first.   The biggest was Brother, a black & white.  Moscow, a red luxuriously furry angora, was known to be cowardly and so Brother would push him out.  Of the female cats, Lucky, a mostly feral sleek tortoise-shell and two charcoal tabbies would push their way in when Brother finished.

The huntress, a beautiful sleek calico, would watch with disdain.  She rarely nibbled of the food.  When the eating was done, the fat cat, a rotund grey tabby, would saunter over and finish the bowl.

6 of the cats would run outside.  Penny, the calico, who was the smartest, leapt up to open the screen door.  She hooked her paw on the door handle, timing it so that as the latch opened her sleek body would hit the door and pop it open.  Mom never locked the door, and she never had to let the cats out.  Penny scampered out each morning and the others bolted out before the door could shut.  Farina, the fat cat would take a nap.

The cats were all treated the same.

The Moral of the story, of course is: all cats are different.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Hidden Reality

Reality wavers between the manifest and potentiality.  The Leviathan hidden in a sea of thought is a mental monster, oppressing each of our subjective realities.  It is the fear of looking foolish, of trusting your innate sense over a sea of facts.

I'm not against science, but I must ask why is it that they reverse themselves every year or so? Surely if their truth isn't always truth then it was never truth.  

Newton's science was not Einstein science. And as science progresses, particularly when it comes to the realm of physics, it draws ever closer to conclusions known years ago by the earliest mystics. All consciousness is one; everything is one. You can disagree, but it has been known since about 1920 that all manifested reality is responsive to consciousness. This has been proven in the physics lab. Therefore all reality is relative and subjective.

Truth is a constant if it is to be Truth at all.  However, Truth hides obliquely in our manifest reality.  So science plods on, overturning yesterday's truth for a better, newer truth of today. 
Like everyone else, you are free to live in your own little thought bubble.  Nothing happens unless you know it.  A million suns can be born, light the skies and die, but without the illumination of knowing, who can say they ever did exist?

This is not a philosophical question. It's not if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it did it make a sound. It is not does the light turn off in the refrigerator when you close the door if you don't see it. Literally, reality changes itself based on observation. This is our reality.
It's truth is hidden in the recesses of your mind. It is the truth you won't look for, and won't see,  because you have become accustomed to looking without for truth rather than within.

Read more:
The Circle of Infinity

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Dark Night

In North America, we have a total solar eclipse coming up for the first time since 1979.

In a few days, parts of Asia Europe and Australia will be treated to a partial lunar eclipse.

I recently learned these things always come in pairs, about two weeks apart.

This night in day and day in night, the earth and moon play with light and shadows, has become a recent obsession of mine.

So too, I've thought about the dark night of the soul.

In our life we go through many mini eclipses.  There are times we are illumined and other times we live in the shadows.

What if it's all part of Gods plan? Or the Oversoul?

We learn from our periods of darkness, don't we.  Imagine we were baking a loaf of bread. It's all part of the kneading, stretching and rolling process.  And then we rest, and rise.  Finally, we are baked to perfection and become food, for the soul.  And we become one with that body.

Each experience you go through prepares you for the next. And the dark night rests you for when your soul sees the brilliant light of the day.  You will be ready for the sun to shine.

Without rest, the sun would be your Nemesis.

The dark night of the soul is a torture for those who remember illumination.  But if God has said to you, 'Rest!', then you should rest so that you will be ready, for the day will come when you will need to rise and shine!

Sleep but a little bit more, for your day will come.


With a nod and thank you to a fellow blogger, please find The Prophet, The Coming of the Ship by Kahlil Gibran, which dovetails nicely with this discourse.
On The Prophet

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Root of all Illness

 It is said that money is the root of all evil.

Let us take a look at the English word disease.

                    DIS EASE

Break the word apart and we have a meaning that is not at rest.

Most people are capable of sleep or rest, so what plagues the body then?  Even the heart rests in-between beats.  The unhealthy heart doesn't get enough rest.

There is a strong mind-body connection.  The restless mind plagues the body, which is the neutral servant of the mind.

When the mind is sick, the body suffers, in many ways.  Not only is the body often not treated properly, not fed nor exercised properly, but it suffers the chemical reactions of too much stress, anxious thoughts.  The body is deprived of its rest when the mind has no peace. The body lives with the poison of noxious thoughts and angry passions.

Hate is not confined alone inside the mind.  Hate spreads though the joints, muscles, nerve tissues, blood gasses, and resides within the cells and electrical systems of the body.  All these systems are responsive to thought!  Your heart races when you are frightened, as your body releases adrenaline.  Your hands shake when you are upset.  Your stomach flutters when you gaze into the eyes of someone you are in love with.  Your body trembles at the touch of Love.

What is your body reacting to?  Are you bringing peaceful thoughts, love and kind gestures into your awareness?  Or, are you instead focused on all the negativity in the world?  Do you bring up your anger and hatred at every opportunity?   Have you become so irrational that you can start to see the cracks in your own mind?  Are you convinced that your neighbor is your enemy and hating on others?  Do you see the good or the bad in others?

That is the root of your malady.  What are you thinking about?

If you are justified in your hate, remember that hate is a double-edged sword.  More accurately it's like fire, indiscriminate about who it burns.  It is a deep well of poisonous thought, springing from deep within your consciousness, inflamed by your passions, sickening your persona, and weakening your emotional and physical health.  It saps your reserves, steals your vitality and drinks your youth.

If you want to heal, don't ignore the fire burning within you.  If it is an angry flame, the sickness needs to be treated there.  You surround yourself with what you perceive within. You create your world out of the clay.  You can rebuild it, one step at a time, thought by thought.  First change your mind, and the world takes notice!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Psychic Buffer Zone

Consciousness is a continuum.

A pitfall of expanding consciousness is the direct link to another Mind that can occur.

Most mature people have developed a buffer zone to deal with others, such as strangers, friends, even family.   We've learned to control our reactions, to a great degree, by keeping other people's emotional outbursts in perspective or at arms length. Very rarely do they manage to push our buttons and actually upset us. This is how we keep our emotional equilibrium.

To the novice, learning to connect with another mind on a very intimate level, there is no arm's length.  There is no emotional distance, and no ability to put another's emotional state into rational perspective.

In this state, the lovers quarrel for instance can completely destroy the psyche.

For this reason, the novice must learn to detach. The novice or adept must be able to separate consciousness from the others.  So much effort has been put forth into learning to connect, that the novice is completely unprepared to detach when an unstable or risky emotional situation presents itself.

All relationships have a buffer zone, where we allow one another a certain amount of space to act out, we give each other time to cool down, and then we engage. If we do not learn to do this on the higher plane, once we have become a player or engaged consciousness there, we are at risk of great psychological harm.

On the higher plane, angry thoughts become weapons.  It's like being in a dreamworld thinking you are being carved up, or thrown off a cliff, for example.   Because you are in a higher state of consciousness, you can see the angry thoughts, and your inclination is to comfort. You do not take cover; you do not retreat, and you do not detach. In the normal world, you might think twice about engaging with an extremely angry person. You might realize it's best to back off until they cool down.

One of the first lessons a spiritual novice needs to learn is that the spiritual world is a heightened experience of the physical world.  The lessons we learn here are mirrored there and even more critical.

Maintaining a psychic buffer zone, one that you can control at will, is essential before embarking on a new journey in the realms of heightened consciousness.   In the dream world, when things get too scary, you often wake up. You need to have safety valves and escape mechanisms in place when you advance to higher levels of consciousness. Thought there is extremely powerful, equivalent to action on that plane.  You have to remember where you are, and have a buffer zone and an exit strategy in place.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Chinese: Food for Thought

The horrific truth about China: Forced organ harvesting with most victims being practitioners of a peaceful religion Falun Gong, a type of meditation and yoga.  It brings to mind the atrocities suffered by the earliest Christians.  These innocent people, even defenseless children, are murdered or butchered for their organs, so the rich and powerful can have an endless organ supply.

What type of culture feeds upon not only its dogs and cats, torturing them to tenderize the meat, but also slaughtering peaceful citizens and harmless children?

They have embraced a dark form of communism, cloaked in capitalism.  The doctor in this video will tell you he had no guilt about cutting a living, struggling man open and harvesting his organs, for the state.

Friday, July 21, 2017

The Key

What stands between you and the other side of that door?

The Key

Learn why that door 🚪 has not been opening.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Wretched Refuse

This is for those who wonder why our president is given to saying and doing so many stupid things:

When one has nothing meaningful to say, they blather on about unimportant things. They also deflect attention from the important things which they know nothing about.  This is the Modus Operandi of our president and the Republican Party.

Many of them could also benefit from a basic course in civility.

It must be difficult to live in a world where almost everyone else has a greater depth and breadth of understanding than you.  One must chafe when listening to all those intellectuals constantly referencing books and science.

So it appears the inmates have taken over the asylum.  But this is no Lord of the Flies situation, we live in a large world, not a small island.  The hoodlums cannot hope to erase the memory of knowledge, nor the spirit of liberty.


The plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty reads: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Gender Dysphoria

Some people are born physically and genetically male and female.   It may come as a shock to some people to learn that not everyone is born genetically and physically either male or female.   People are sometimes born a combination of these two sexes.   Sometimes, at birth the doctors will try to correct the situation and perform surgery and provide medications to enhance a person's gender identification. But the fact remains, that is not the way they were born.  

 Life can be extremely difficult for these people, as others may notice they do not look typically male or female. They may have difficulty blending in with society and suffer from negative peer pressure.  They need our compassion as they try to lead their lives in our critical world.  

The world health organization (WHO) currently views people who are physically male or female, but who are gender dysphoric as having a mental illness.   However the WHO is reviewing that position and may eventually come to recognize gender dysphoria as something other.  

 I don't need to wait for the WHO to tell me how to feel about this. If I cannot judge physically and genetically intersex people, because that would be insensitive and unfair, then I'm going to hold back on judging others who are gender dysphoric.  

Human judgment is often seriously flawed. We live in a relative world, and we cannot possibly understand every angle and everything going on around us. Recently as our society has become more and more intolerant, people within it have chafed at its confines.

It's very easy to say you're not like me, so I don't like you. But, let's stop doing that; let's all try to remember that God created all of us, and we are one world and one people.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Wonderful Life for You

I don't read many novels. I was denied higher education by my mother because she thought I should get married and education would be wasted on me.

I read so much, books on physics, mathematics, history, aeronautics, psychology.  Always trying to make up for what I must have missed.

A favorite topic of mine is religion and spirituality.  I studied employee benefits and became an employee benefits manager.

Along the way, while I was helping myself fill a void, I found a way to serve others.

I remember a family who were kept apart for over a decade because of American immigration policy.  I wrote many letters for our employee attesting to his employment with us and that I knew him for many years.  This was not part of my job.  One day, at the company Christmas party, I was very surprised when a tiny woman came up to me with a hug.  'You're the woman who wrote all the letters!'  She pointed to her teenage children.  They were all in America, and they were beaming at me!

I read the book 'Tuesday's with Morrie.'  About a man with ALS, this is a true story about the wisdom of a dying man.  One thing I remember was Morrie asking how we have given back to our community, to our society.  I felt guilty, thinking I don't coach little league baseball like my husband.  I just go to work every day.  I spent 30 years taking trains for 2 or more hours a day to work in New York, handling a demanding Benefits Manager's position.  I had two pension plans, a 401k and group insurance to worry about.  There were thousands of people depending on these plans to take care of their medical, dental, life insurance, disability, retirement and savings needs.  The company depended on me to keep these plans in legal compliance and maintain their cost-efficiency.

I didn't see that I had found a profession that served people.  When they were sick, they came to me to help them.  When insurance matters got too complicated, they came to my desk or called and I would untangle the issues.  When they died, I would see to their survivors benefits for their families.  Buying a house, they would come to me to work out 401k loans or withdrawals.  I took care of  retirement, maternity disability, and helped when mental or substance abuse issues created a need for specific treatment or bridging of insurance coverage.  I served people all day long, using my intellect and know-how with compassion.  I didn't realize how many people I've reached, touched, helped.

Looking back, before I began that career, at age 20, I found myself alone and emotionally depleted from a failed marriage to an emotionally abusive man who was a hard drinker and unfaithful husband.  I had blocked out all the most emotionally stressful memories of two painful relationships.  I had nothing to live for and nothing to come home to.  My memories were gone and I was literally missing ... myself. I was a shell of my former personality.  I knew I had no one who needed me, and no reason to come home.

One day I saw a commercial about children who needed help in South America.  I watched the little children running through the fields.  They needed help, and I wanted to help.  I had just started a new job as a secretary in a personnel department in NY.  I didn't make much money, but for the first time in several years, I was financially stable.  I needed to be there for those kids.

It was then I became a member of Foster Parents Plan, and I knew there were people who needed me.  I had a reason to go on.  They assigned me to be the foster parent to a little girl in Indonesia.  Over the years I've helped raise several of these children, rescuing them from poverty and providing the basics of a clean home, healthy food, clothes and education.

I've been a member ever since, helping to feed, clothe, and educate children in foreign lands.  Today they are called Childreach or Plan International:

Whenever I feel unfulfilled, I remember the movie It's a Wonderful Life, and I think back on the people who have different lives because I was put here on this earth.  My wonderful son, my friends, my spouse, people I've helped or trained.  I realize it's not about me.  It's for you.  We are here for each other.

We all know how to help one another.  When our families or extended families struggle, we do what we can, financially, emotionally or physically to help.  I do that too and I know you do.  We reach out and support local food banks and charities.  In America we have several safety nets to help struggling families and senior citizens.  When we work and pay taxes, we help support our fellow citizens and educate the next generation.  These are all good, worthy causes.  But we are also citizens of the world.  I'm grateful I've also had a chance to help children in Nicaragua and Indonesia and now as a contributor to the general fund, anywhere in the world where children are in need.

There is a saying Giving is Receiving. All you can take with you is the character you build.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Shadow on Social Media

What evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows...

Many people present their highest self ( as they perceive it ) to the outside world. They demonize their own shadow, not realizing that much of its anger is from being forced to live in the dark. The monsters you meet online get a chance to come out behind the veil of social media. It's part of the psychological evolution of the person.

I see people say things online that I actually know they would not say in person.  They are airing out their innermost darkest thoughts.  Over time, they will recognize the difference between a harsh reality and its unsophisticated expression.  

For example, I may have a negative reaction to something you said or did.  I won't express it.  I find it unacceptable to express doubt, insecurity, fear or negativity.  It doesn't go away, that feeling, it gets shoved into the shadows of my mind.

One day, I walk away from you, and you never saw it coming.  It would have been better if we talked about it. If I wait too long to let my Shadow out, it will be a much coarser, angry thought.  This is what happens and for better or worse, the opportunity to express negativity behind the veil of a "screen" provides a release valve for the Shadow.

The answer to this is to learn to face your own thoughts head on.  Why do I feel upset, angry, or fearful? If you said or did something that I don't like, or don't understand, and we talk about it, am I afraid of your answer?  If people don't explain their real concerns, without censorship, we cannot build trust and we cannot work toward solutions.

That does not mean name-calling or insults.  It means being brave enough to tell the truth.  Unfortunately, we only see this when there is so much frustration at our political correctness that it boils over into rudeness.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Meddlesome Priest [Warning Politics]

As he testified to why he took Trump's comments (re dropping the Michael Flynn investigation) seriously, I was quite surprised to hear James Comey reference an obscure segment of Medieval English history.  I absolutely loved the meddlesome priest comment.  Burst out laughing.  I watched in amazement as I realized his interrogator (Sen Angus King) completely understood the comment.  'Not everyone in American politics is ignorant like Trump' I frankly realized.  It was a comforting realization.

It shows Comey is well-read.  Furthermore, given his education and FBI background, he can play politics and the government like a fiddle.  Trump is well out of his depth.  Don't think anything Comey has done this far is anything but a meticulous calculation.  He pretends he was unsure about certain actions and defends his inscrutable and sometimes illogical decisions this way.

Don't get me wrong, I am seriously disgusted with Comey.  I believe he interfered with an American election because he didn't like either candidate.  However, his well-timed letter to Congress over a non-existent investigation knocked Hillary Clinton out of the race.  (Don't forget, we later learned that Comey knew the Clinton evidence had been planted; he then said he really wanted to keep up the facade of an investigation so the real targets would remain unaware he was onto them.  We're dealing with a cagey, manipulative person here.) Comey knew Hillary had been investigated for years and it yielded nothing.  That was the only way to get her, via rumor and innuendo at a time when it hurts most, right before the election.  It would be a lot easier to trap an open-mouthed braggart and blundering ass like Trump.  So Comey took aim and picked off Clinton.  At the same time, he plunged our nation into crisis.  We now have an inept and immoral government, one that stands in contempt of the majority of its own citizens.

We also now have a burgeoning replica of the Watergate crisis with James Comey meticulously laying the groundwork to close the trap in on Trump.  Along the way, he's started to implicate Pence.  This is James Comey's game to lose, a very dangerous high-stakes game.  I would guess Comey's next move is to lure Trump into a lie and then produce more evidence to expose the lie.  Unwittingly, Trump has already offered to testify under oath, because he thinks Comey already shot his load.  He really is a much easier target than Hillary Clinton.

Yes, we never saw it coming.  James Comey is the real dark horse in this race and it may be he who ultimately takes out Clinton, Trump and Pence.  What then?  How far ahead has Comey set his trap?

[In medieval England, King Henry II had a long-standing feud with the ArchBishop of Canterbury.  One day in exasperation the King ranted 'Will no one rid me of this meddlesome Priest!'  Within a month the ArchBishop was dead, murdered by several knights as he attended to his duties in the church.  The ArchBishop would later be venerated as a Saint.]

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The charge

Ignorance reigns and its followers behave with carte blanche in imbecilic abandon now that their chief idiot blathers on night and day in witless derision of every noble ideal.

They never understood the world and this is their moment -their 15 minutes - the revenge of the shadow cult. They must speak for they must know the price of their own words.

This too is just a temporary dive as humanity recharges and will inevitably surge forth with brand new ideals and renewed vigor.  The shadow will ride along.

There will become a time when the luminaries of this world graduate to the next.  Without these times of uncertainty, the shadow cult will be utterly unprepared for that day.  The day would come for them to leaven humanity and they would have nothing but unspent darkness in their souls.

We will watch them thrash about for a while, but not for too long.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Grist for the Mill

A sound bite is like Junk Food.  A rich dialogue feeds the Soul and exercises the Mind.  America is intellectually starved, as its leaders and media cater to the least educated rather than aspiring them to greater heights.

It is unfortunate, but now many that reveled in the make it easy for me mental wasteland, get to live the hard life that is borne of lazy thought.

Saturday, May 27, 2017


The emotional energy fixated upon an idea, object or person.

This emotional charge can discharge within the psyche, or across the medium of consciousness.

There is a sexual energy animating the cathexis.

It's libido gives it power which transcends the mental plane.

It is the animus/anima, the shakti/shaktipat, the kundalini energy. It is the Shekinah, the Electra a feminine-negative energy.  It's power is well-known by these different names and their diverse base of understanding or disciplines.

That is the libido or sexual energy which lights the cathexis.  The energy can transform into intense emotions, love, or hate for example, as it rises in consciousness and literally up the spine through the body's electrical centers.  If blocked or frustrated, the energy can burst forth.  Or it can be controlled and released with love, as in the manner of a great sage or guru, or saint.

The cathexis is a passion, a focused emotional energy.  It's effects are not only internal Mind/body, but can be directed outward intentionally or accidentally.  Knowing this, it is important to practice discipline in the emotions, regulating, neutralizing anger before it is released.  The arts and sciences of psychology, and mysticism have advanced literature on these topics.

The power to transcend the mental plane is that of a spiritual adept.

Friday, May 26, 2017

The New Door

There were red drops on the white door.

Fade out.

Are these drops of blood?

They looked like water color, dripping on the center of the door.

It was Joe's door.

What would happen if it opened this time?

Do you still love me Joe?

Do you still think of me?

I'm ready to open that door.

Hidden behind it is the rest of me.  My fears, hopes, desires, and the places where our souls meet.

The Red Book:

Quotes from The Red Book

I indignantly answered, “Do you call light what we men call the worst darkness? Do you call day night?”

To this my soul spoke a word that roused my anger, “My light is not of this world.”

I cried, “I know of no other world!”

The soul answered, “Should it not exist because you know nothing of it?

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Mark of the Beast

What is the gentle and intelligent way to affect change?

By planting seeds of hope we can uplift, inspire.

The brutish way to affect change is to destroy, demolish, demean.

The people of this planet seem to have two directions.

Their music is mostly about love.  They sing of love, lost love, new love, making love.

But their newspapers tell a different story.  There we find much negativity, violence, anger.

Very little artful dialogue is found in our free press.

But that which we pay for is usually of a higher scale, an uplifting class.

Which reflects our true nature?

The man and the beast dwell within.  The scraps thrown to us from the world feed our lower nature.  We should never pay for such trash, yet we ingest it.  We let it dull our minds and poison our hearts.

A public radio depends on support and donations from its audience to survive.  The news is more intelligent, less burdened by rhetoric and political bias.  This is a higher standard of reporting and it attempts to expand the listener's breadth and scope of knowledge.

One such station NPR made the point recently that in these times people need to pay for quality news programs.

Why is it the things we pay for are of higher quality and the things that are free are often so low-brow?

Our choices show we have a higher nature, a loving nature.  It's a matter then of ingesting the free garbage or choosing to feed the mind and body with the best you can afford.  Do you choose knowledge, love and gentle understanding?  Do you want to feed your mind and spirit?  You can grow your mind and consciousness to the point where someday you will free yourself from the shackles of this mundane lifestyle.  You can be a source of positivity and change, a person others turn to for hope.

Alternatively, the dark forces on earth will gladly feed the beast.  His mark will be on your mind.

The choice is yours.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

That Which Crosses You

Having the second-sight, I always found the Tarot cards worked for me.

When doing a reading I would place the cards in a certain order.  The card's placement indicates its position in the life of the subject.  Today I am thinking of the card which crosses the subject.

One has a card representing his or her most ardent desire, and a card is placed across it, showing the opposing influence.

Once I had a subject whose most ardent desire was for a thief, and I was perplexed.  He did not believe in the readings and came to me at the urging of others.  When I saw his cards, I thought I had let him down.  When I confessed what the cards told me, I was very surprised at his reaction.  I expected him to declare the reading a fraud.  Instead he told me he understood.  He admitted his fiancé had broken their engagement and that his heart was broken, stolen by a thief.  He understood the symbolism.  Then his suspicious and jaded nature took over and he accused me of knowing beforehand about his troubles.  I didn't.  The cards told me something I didn't know about him.  I didn't know the man.

He may or may not have learned something that day, but looking back on it, I did learn several things.  I realized there is much more going on than appears on the surface of life.  We each have desires and there is often something holding us back from what we most want.

We think the opposing force is part of life.  We helplessly wait for life to resolve conflicts that reside in our minds.  The center of the blockage is in our thoughts.  If we cannot make a choice even on an intellectual level, then we cannot make a change.  How could that poor man reconcile his thoughts to his feelings?  What he wanted was in direct opposition to what he knew was wrong.

Is your life on hold, waiting for the universe to sort itself out?  The lock and key are within your mind and heart.  Take a look at what's crossing you today.  You are where you are because of your choices, both the ones you make and those you don't.

If you won't take a hard look inside, the conflict will get projected outside.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Dreams of Obama

The Power of Hope

Suddenly I dreamt of Obama:

I saw his classic portrait.

I heard his voice:

"Instead of staying centered I improved Truthability by hoping."

I would guess truthability means the potential for something to become truth.  I cannot find its definition but I see people use the word truthable.  It must be a verb, a potential or emerging truth.

By staying centered, did my dream character Obama mean centrist, or did he mean a circular pattern?  Instead of remaining politically centrist, or in a circular pattern?  Did he mean he broke the pattern to create change?

No, he clearly said centered.  He referred to a state of mind.  He meant he put some skin in the game.  He cared.

He created conditions or potential situations for change by being positively engaged and attached to a specific goal.

A lesson to be learned.  To affect change:

"Instead of staying centered I improved Truthability by hoping."

This is different than false statements or false perspectives.  It is transformative, rather than falsification.

It is basically Intention and Desire.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

My Garden of Magic

I'm there for you.

The heart of the issue is knowing you are loved.

What keeps some people young?

What hidden power heals the ailing?

The Power of Love.

The vibration of Love is so high that you cannot maintain connection with it for very long.

What you generally experience as Love is a stepped down version that you can maintain in your present state of consciousness.

This is the source of all true Power.  The pure Love is of God.

To connect to it, think of someone you love.  Sometimes, I think of Jesus.  I love him because he is such an inspiration to me.

The Love will begin to flow through your being, body/Mind.  The Love is a vibration from the source that you can feel.  It flows through you.  Let it begin to heal you, calm you, revive you and then release it to the rest of creation.

The Love will increase your vibration, improve your harmony, raise your consciousness.  In time your level or resting state of consciousness will increase.

Next, learn how to redirect the Love to heal others.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Killing Thoughts

As I roused myself from my self-imposed 35 year slumber, I found myself rooting through the remains of my prior life.

I remembered an attack from a violent thought, with a violent and angry temper.  I have spent years contemplating how a thought could do such damage to my psyche.

As an empath, I was particularly attuned to the angry man who released the thought in my direction.   I had no capacity to defend myself from it and was in fact sucker punched by something that I had never seen happen before. Completely devastated and unable to function, my higher consciousness stepped in for me, and decided to put me to sleep until I could heal.

I had learned to attune to peoples'  psyche.   To do this means to completely open up to them.

I needed to learn two important lessons:

one - do not project
two - when necessary, deflect

I am so good at sensing others' thoughts, feelings and emotions when I tune in, that I sometimes forget that I am not infallible. I sometimes project what I think upon them rather than continuing to try to sense what they are really feeling.

Maybe I sensed something, and then my mind summed up what it probably meant.   There may be something wrong, but I may have identified the wrong source of the problem. I must remember not to project.

I had made my very good friend very angry. I came to see him to apologize, and as always was 100% open and attuned to him.  The depth of his anger was something that I was not prepared for, and when I saw the wave of anger come after me, I was unschooled and unprepared for how to deal with it.   I simply braced and allowed it to attack.

I see I need to learn to not only control thoughts that I perceive as my own lest they torment me. But I need to learn to command dominion over all the thoughts that invade my mind-space. This is my kingdom or queendom, and all thoughts that enter here are under my command.

I was able to control my own thoughts to the point where I eliminated any thought of this person again, so that I could survive his perceived hatred of me.  That was where I had projected, but I was severely injured emotionally and was not able to reason properly.

I had failed to secure my own mental domain, left myself open to attack and then failed to perceive the true feelings of my angry friend.

Believing now in defenselessness, I struggled  with this conundrum. I was defenseless, and I was severely injured to the point of losing 35 years of higher consciousness until I could heal from this attack.  It was a matter I believe of domain.

People do not normally have such power over your mind, and that is because most of us have private thoughts and do not allow them to cross that barrier. When one opens oneself up to another or to the universe, one must remember that one is the king or queen of that domain.  Any thought that misbehaves or is found offensive must be dismissed immediately. Never give up that power.

Always remember too that when dealing with another person it may be possible to perceive his thoughts and emotions and still misunderstand them. That is because our perception is not flawless.    Perception is a flawed tool. In this reality we perceive through our senses which define reality to us. In the next higher level of consciousness, where we can perceive others' thoughts and or feelings, we may still not understand their true meaning. What we perceive as hatred and anger may be hurt and a cry for redress.

Unfortunately, the path to higher consciousness is fraught with its own pitfalls. The instruction manuals don't cover all of them.

The Collective or higher Mind sees me as it's child.  Sometimes you let your child make her own mistakes and learn from them.  Sometimes you step in because the danger is too great.  When your child is harmed, sometimes you have to make tough decisions.  Sometimes your child cannot understand but it's your decision and you must make it.  That was what they said.

I had stepped into the next realm and gotten hurt there.  Still, I want to return.  I am ready to wake up.  I now understand the nature of the perils of the next realm. It is all Mind, and a strong mind always maintains its center.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Permission to Speak

The Higher Self can be activated simply by realizing that you already are connected.

Many impulses come from different facets of your consciousness, including parts of your being with access to great depths of understanding.

The key to achieving greater integration with your higher nature is to recognize that you already hear the inner voice.  It is not something apart from you.  It is an insightful voice that you filter among the many thoughts flitting through your mind.

You often hear it but choose to drown it out with the louder thoughts, ones driven by fear, greed or emotion.  You choose constantly among many competing ideas.

Ultimately, all consciousness is One. You can strengthen your connection to higher or lower frequencies of thought just by choosing which voice you recognize and respect.  It is all I, I Am, and I Am That I Am.  It's just a matter of reaching higher.

When your higher frequency is acknowledged, you will have given it a larger role in your life, effectively Permission to Speak.

You will become more insightful, compassionate, intuitive.  One day, like the shifting of a gear, your mind will elevate to another level where that voice becomes quite distinctive.  It will possibly shock you, but remember it is all You.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

When Right is Wrong

I just listened to a news program where callers got to air their politics.  I was revolted as one man called to state that the colored President was the problem with our country.  He went on to blame coloreds and Mexicans and the program thankfully ended his air time.

I just got an email comparing the lack of military experience of Kim Jong Un of North Korea to the lack of military experience of Barack Obama, calling the former President a community organizer with no experience.

I wrote this response to my former boss:

Are you totally oblivious to the fact that our current President has no military or political experience, but is in fact a liar and a business cheat?  President Obama is a constitutional lawyer and was a Senator before becoming President.  I am stunned at this meme given that I cannot imagine a worse President in history than the immoral imbecile now in office.  The spread of this divisive material is how Americans lost their ability to think rationally and ended up brainwashed by alt-right rhetoric.

Only problem, I did not send it.  He thinks I don't mind the horrible things he says because I just ignore him.

My cousin voted for this repugnant idiot and I cannot understand how divided we have become as a nation, because these are as far as I can tell decent and smart people.

Yet, I can no longer have a conversation with them because we would end up losing our relationship.

I am angry that they have done this evil thing, to America, to my country.  Political differences I can understand, but electing an unqualified, immoral, sexual predator, a racist and thug to lead America at a time when the world needs reason and diplomacy more than ever, well this is unforgivable.

The American Civil War was at a time when political and economic ideology was deeply polarized in America.  People could not understand each other at all and the north went to war with the south.  Brother fought against brother, and cousin against cousin.  Bosses found themselves at war against their former colleagues, as our military became divided into warring factions.

Where do we go from here?  One of those prejudiced callers lamented that this is no longer America. I'm not so sure about that.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Be a Dreamer

It's all a dream, what happens here and what happens in the Light Heavens.

I remember my Dream.

Read a sample of The Light Heavens- it starts out scary, but can take it.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Embracing the New

What is more dangerous, being exposed to new or different ideas, or being unaware of them?

Learning new things can get you hurt, just like meeting new people or finding a new love can bring you pain.

So too can ignorance render you completely unprepared for reality.

Learning and experiencing are inevitable in this domain of reality.  In the Light Heavens one may rest from learning, but they will return to the realm of cause and effect, or Time.

The restless world will continually bend and shape you, knead and ply you, and you will seek solace in a good book, a cozy home, a quiet time.  You will for a time fear the unknown, until you get restless again and seek out a new understanding.

Yes, be cautious, but knowledge is power, knowledge is enlightenment.  Each new layer of truth brings you a better world but a deeper understanding of sorrow.  You understand the loss of those living in darkness and you grieve for them.  You understand the privilege of your new joy, and the sobering reality that not all can experience freedom from ignorance.  You know you have many miles to walk before you sleep again, and you are both exhilarated and exhausted.

You are afraid of electricity, but that won't stop you from turning on the light.