
Saturday, January 29, 2022

Tales from the Mental ward

Years ago, I went with my ex, a good-looking 6’2 guy, to visit my aunt who was retarded and had been put in the mental ward for being disruptive. We sat in a large room full of beds and chatted with my aunt, who was a large hefty woman. 

I began to notice a young black woman pacing back and forth nearby. She was shapely and had long corn rows in her hair. After a while, the young black woman approached me handing me a black jelly bean and muttering something unintelligible. Not wanting to be rude or offensive, I accepted the jelly bean and put it on the nightstand. 

She then pounced on my husband, thrusting him backwards on the bed where he was sitting and began passionately kissing him! I ran to get help but before they could arrive, my aunt pulled the young woman off him and said ‘That’s wrong!’ 

Mind you, I have no I doubt my ex could have handled the situation himself, but chose not to. The interns took her away and I returned the jelly bean to the young girl’s nightstand, since as far as I could understand what had happened, the sale was not made. It would have been a good deal too.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Key to the Game

Even the games you win have to end.  Many times do you think you’re losing? It all depends on whether you’re playing for entertainment or survival.

Get it to the point where you’re just playing with five or 10% of your chips, then you make it a game.

One day you have to cash in your chips.  Then you move to another table.

The Key is to never let the game get too big for you to lose.  Never bet more than you can afford to lose.  Never bet your soul.

When you see it as a game, you stand apart from it.  You are conscious of your choices.  You are in control, not the game.

When the game ends, win or lose, you must move on.  Losers must play until they learn how to be a winner.  Winners get a new game.

It lasts as long as time itself.  Time is the final game.

How to pass from Infinity to Eternity?

Saturday, January 1, 2022

A New Years Prayer

 I belong to a private group and it is our custom to pray together for the new year.  This year I am sharing some of that, my New Years Prayer for 2022, with you.

Happy New Year!  I am grateful we each made it to 2022, and I hope life is going well for each of you my friends.  Last year we lost my father in law, who was 100.  It is especially sad we could not see him on his 100th birthday, due to Covid precautions.  We also lost my 56 year old cousin, who was a mom and a grandma.  I thank you again for joining me to pray for her.  I once read that certain people/religions pray each day for the sun to rise and the grass to grow, for the world to do what we expect it to do.  They believe in prayer as an acknowledgment to God that He causes these things to happen, and their prayer is as much a spoken word of gratitude as it is a request.  This year, I want to acknowledge and thank God for the life, the joy, the love and countless blessings we have with each new day.  All the people in our lives, our pets, our homes, our world all we have because God has given us and this planet Life.  May the Life and the Joy be with you and your families, and May it embrace our world in this new year.  Giving thanks to God.  Amen.