
Monday, May 29, 2017

Grist for the Mill

A sound bite is like Junk Food.  A rich dialogue feeds the Soul and exercises the Mind.  America is intellectually starved, as its leaders and media cater to the least educated rather than aspiring them to greater heights.

It is unfortunate, but now many that reveled in the make it easy for me mental wasteland, get to live the hard life that is borne of lazy thought.

Saturday, May 27, 2017


The emotional energy fixated upon an idea, object or person.

This emotional charge can discharge within the psyche, or across the medium of consciousness.

There is a sexual energy animating the cathexis.

It's libido gives it power which transcends the mental plane.

It is the animus/anima, the shakti/shaktipat, the kundalini energy. It is the Shekinah, the Electra a feminine-negative energy.  It's power is well-known by these different names and their diverse base of understanding or disciplines.

That is the libido or sexual energy which lights the cathexis.  The energy can transform into intense emotions, love, or hate for example, as it rises in consciousness and literally up the spine through the body's electrical centers.  If blocked or frustrated, the energy can burst forth.  Or it can be controlled and released with love, as in the manner of a great sage or guru, or saint.

The cathexis is a passion, a focused emotional energy.  It's effects are not only internal Mind/body, but can be directed outward intentionally or accidentally.  Knowing this, it is important to practice discipline in the emotions, regulating, neutralizing anger before it is released.  The arts and sciences of psychology, and mysticism have advanced literature on these topics.

The power to transcend the mental plane is that of a spiritual adept.

Friday, May 26, 2017

The New Door

There were red drops on the white door.

Fade out.

Are these drops of blood?

They looked like water color, dripping on the center of the door.

It was Joe's door.

What would happen if it opened this time?

Do you still love me Joe?

Do you still think of me?

I'm ready to open that door.

Hidden behind it is the rest of me.  My fears, hopes, desires, and the places where our souls meet.

The Red Book:

Quotes from The Red Book

I indignantly answered, “Do you call light what we men call the worst darkness? Do you call day night?”

To this my soul spoke a word that roused my anger, “My light is not of this world.”

I cried, “I know of no other world!”

The soul answered, “Should it not exist because you know nothing of it?

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Mark of the Beast

What is the gentle and intelligent way to affect change?

By planting seeds of hope we can uplift, inspire.

The brutish way to affect change is to destroy, demolish, demean.

The people of this planet seem to have two directions.

Their music is mostly about love.  They sing of love, lost love, new love, making love.

But their newspapers tell a different story.  There we find much negativity, violence, anger.

Very little artful dialogue is found in our free press.

But that which we pay for is usually of a higher scale, an uplifting class.

Which reflects our true nature?

The man and the beast dwell within.  The scraps thrown to us from the world feed our lower nature.  We should never pay for such trash, yet we ingest it.  We let it dull our minds and poison our hearts.

A public radio depends on support and donations from its audience to survive.  The news is more intelligent, less burdened by rhetoric and political bias.  This is a higher standard of reporting and it attempts to expand the listener's breadth and scope of knowledge.

One such station NPR made the point recently that in these times people need to pay for quality news programs.

Why is it the things we pay for are of higher quality and the things that are free are often so low-brow?

Our choices show we have a higher nature, a loving nature.  It's a matter then of ingesting the free garbage or choosing to feed the mind and body with the best you can afford.  Do you choose knowledge, love and gentle understanding?  Do you want to feed your mind and spirit?  You can grow your mind and consciousness to the point where someday you will free yourself from the shackles of this mundane lifestyle.  You can be a source of positivity and change, a person others turn to for hope.

Alternatively, the dark forces on earth will gladly feed the beast.  His mark will be on your mind.

The choice is yours.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

That Which Crosses You

Having the second-sight, I always found the Tarot cards worked for me.

When doing a reading I would place the cards in a certain order.  The card's placement indicates its position in the life of the subject.  Today I am thinking of the card which crosses the subject.

One has a card representing his or her most ardent desire, and a card is placed across it, showing the opposing influence.

Once I had a subject whose most ardent desire was for a thief, and I was perplexed.  He did not believe in the readings and came to me at the urging of others.  When I saw his cards, I thought I had let him down.  When I confessed what the cards told me, I was very surprised at his reaction.  I expected him to declare the reading a fraud.  Instead he told me he understood.  He admitted his fiancĂ© had broken their engagement and that his heart was broken, stolen by a thief.  He understood the symbolism.  Then his suspicious and jaded nature took over and he accused me of knowing beforehand about his troubles.  I didn't.  The cards told me something I didn't know about him.  I didn't know the man.

He may or may not have learned something that day, but looking back on it, I did learn several things.  I realized there is much more going on than appears on the surface of life.  We each have desires and there is often something holding us back from what we most want.

We think the opposing force is part of life.  We helplessly wait for life to resolve conflicts that reside in our minds.  The center of the blockage is in our thoughts.  If we cannot make a choice even on an intellectual level, then we cannot make a change.  How could that poor man reconcile his thoughts to his feelings?  What he wanted was in direct opposition to what he knew was wrong.

Is your life on hold, waiting for the universe to sort itself out?  The lock and key are within your mind and heart.  Take a look at what's crossing you today.  You are where you are because of your choices, both the ones you make and those you don't.

If you won't take a hard look inside, the conflict will get projected outside.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Dreams of Obama

The Power of Hope

Suddenly I dreamt of Obama:

I saw his classic portrait.

I heard his voice:

"Instead of staying centered I improved Truthability by hoping."

I would guess truthability means the potential for something to become truth.  I cannot find its definition but I see people use the word truthable.  It must be a verb, a potential or emerging truth.

By staying centered, did my dream character Obama mean centrist, or did he mean a circular pattern?  Instead of remaining politically centrist, or in a circular pattern?  Did he mean he broke the pattern to create change?

No, he clearly said centered.  He referred to a state of mind.  He meant he put some skin in the game.  He cared.

He created conditions or potential situations for change by being positively engaged and attached to a specific goal.

A lesson to be learned.  To affect change:

"Instead of staying centered I improved Truthability by hoping."

This is different than false statements or false perspectives.  It is transformative, rather than falsification.

It is basically Intention and Desire.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

My Garden of Magic

I'm there for you.

The heart of the issue is knowing you are loved.

What keeps some people young?

What hidden power heals the ailing?

The Power of Love.

The vibration of Love is so high that you cannot maintain connection with it for very long.

What you generally experience as Love is a stepped down version that you can maintain in your present state of consciousness.

This is the source of all true Power.  The pure Love is of God.

To connect to it, think of someone you love.  Sometimes, I think of Jesus.  I love him because he is such an inspiration to me.

The Love will begin to flow through your being, body/Mind.  The Love is a vibration from the source that you can feel.  It flows through you.  Let it begin to heal you, calm you, revive you and then release it to the rest of creation.

The Love will increase your vibration, improve your harmony, raise your consciousness.  In time your level or resting state of consciousness will increase.

Next, learn how to redirect the Love to heal others.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Killing Thoughts

As I roused myself from my self-imposed 35 year slumber, I found myself rooting through the remains of my prior life.

I remembered an attack from a violent thought, with a violent and angry temper.  I have spent years contemplating how a thought could do such damage to my psyche.

As an empath, I was particularly attuned to the angry man who released the thought in my direction.   I had no capacity to defend myself from it and was in fact sucker punched by something that I had never seen happen before. Completely devastated and unable to function, my higher consciousness stepped in for me, and decided to put me to sleep until I could heal.

I had learned to attune to peoples'  psyche.   To do this means to completely open up to them.

I needed to learn two important lessons:

one - do not project
two - when necessary, deflect

I am so good at sensing others' thoughts, feelings and emotions when I tune in, that I sometimes forget that I am not infallible. I sometimes project what I think upon them rather than continuing to try to sense what they are really feeling.

Maybe I sensed something, and then my mind summed up what it probably meant.   There may be something wrong, but I may have identified the wrong source of the problem. I must remember not to project.

I had made my very good friend very angry. I came to see him to apologize, and as always was 100% open and attuned to him.  The depth of his anger was something that I was not prepared for, and when I saw the wave of anger come after me, I was unschooled and unprepared for how to deal with it.   I simply braced and allowed it to attack.

I see I need to learn to not only control thoughts that I perceive as my own lest they torment me. But I need to learn to command dominion over all the thoughts that invade my mind-space. This is my kingdom or queendom, and all thoughts that enter here are under my command.

I was able to control my own thoughts to the point where I eliminated any thought of this person again, so that I could survive his perceived hatred of me.  That was where I had projected, but I was severely injured emotionally and was not able to reason properly.

I had failed to secure my own mental domain, left myself open to attack and then failed to perceive the true feelings of my angry friend.

Believing now in defenselessness, I struggled  with this conundrum. I was defenseless, and I was severely injured to the point of losing 35 years of higher consciousness until I could heal from this attack.  It was a matter I believe of domain.

People do not normally have such power over your mind, and that is because most of us have private thoughts and do not allow them to cross that barrier. When one opens oneself up to another or to the universe, one must remember that one is the king or queen of that domain.  Any thought that misbehaves or is found offensive must be dismissed immediately. Never give up that power.

Always remember too that when dealing with another person it may be possible to perceive his thoughts and emotions and still misunderstand them. That is because our perception is not flawless.    Perception is a flawed tool. In this reality we perceive through our senses which define reality to us. In the next higher level of consciousness, where we can perceive others' thoughts and or feelings, we may still not understand their true meaning. What we perceive as hatred and anger may be hurt and a cry for redress.

Unfortunately, the path to higher consciousness is fraught with its own pitfalls. The instruction manuals don't cover all of them.

The Collective or higher Mind sees me as it's child.  Sometimes you let your child make her own mistakes and learn from them.  Sometimes you step in because the danger is too great.  When your child is harmed, sometimes you have to make tough decisions.  Sometimes your child cannot understand but it's your decision and you must make it.  That was what they said.

I had stepped into the next realm and gotten hurt there.  Still, I want to return.  I am ready to wake up.  I now understand the nature of the perils of the next realm. It is all Mind, and a strong mind always maintains its center.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Permission to Speak

The Higher Self can be activated simply by realizing that you already are connected.

Many impulses come from different facets of your consciousness, including parts of your being with access to great depths of understanding.

The key to achieving greater integration with your higher nature is to recognize that you already hear the inner voice.  It is not something apart from you.  It is an insightful voice that you filter among the many thoughts flitting through your mind.

You often hear it but choose to drown it out with the louder thoughts, ones driven by fear, greed or emotion.  You choose constantly among many competing ideas.

Ultimately, all consciousness is One. You can strengthen your connection to higher or lower frequencies of thought just by choosing which voice you recognize and respect.  It is all I, I Am, and I Am That I Am.  It's just a matter of reaching higher.

When your higher frequency is acknowledged, you will have given it a larger role in your life, effectively Permission to Speak.

You will become more insightful, compassionate, intuitive.  One day, like the shifting of a gear, your mind will elevate to another level where that voice becomes quite distinctive.  It will possibly shock you, but remember it is all You.